Lisa Matias Dance Centre

635 New park ave.  2j
West Hartford, CT 06110

Copyright 2014. Lisa Matias Dance Centre. All Rights Reserved. 



As of Fall of 2023, these procedures are on hold

Check out our Facebook page for

Dr. Sten VErmund's (Dean of yale school of public health)

endorsement of our studio's health precautions

Protocols are subject to change as the virus ebbs and flows

  • Masks are required for anyone entering the building and must be worn throughout class.

  • All students will have a no touch temperature check upon entering.

  • There are two hand sanitizing stations for use upon entry and exit of the studio and use when returning from the rest room.

  • Parents can do a quick drop off but may not wait in the lobby during class.  Parents of younger dancers are encouraged to wait in the car.  At the end of class, I will be sure to help stagger exits to ensure that everyone stays socially distant.

  •  Class times have been slightly adjusted to allow for space between each group.  This will enable smooth exits and entrances of dancers and time for sanitizing procedures between each class. Please arrive at least 5 min early for class and be prompt with your pickups.

  • All students must be able to change their shoes by themselves. If your dancer is too young to tie their own shoes, please have slip-on tap shoes with elastics rather than ribbons. We have some dance themed elastics ($4) that you can easily insert to secure their shoes. Please have them practice putting on their own shoes a few times before they begin classes.

  • For our younger dancers, please have them use the restroom before they arrive. Or, their caregiver can take them before class begins, but we will not be able to take students to the restroom during class (unless there is an emergency).  Older students may use the restrooms on their own.

  • Students are not to use the water fountain near the restrooms but are encouraged to bring their own water bottle. (clearly labeled with their name)

  • There will be no more than 2 students per barre (they are all at least 8 feet long) and will have one dancer at the front of the barre, and one at the back.

  • All barres and doorknobs/common surfaces will be sanitized between each class.  

  •  All social distancing guidelines will be observed throughout class. 

  •  The studio has been marked off with 8x8 squares for dancers to stand in. There are clear lanes for travel across the floor and clear markings on the carpet to guide the dancers around the studio safely, with proper distance while changing their shoes.

  •  There are 4 HEPA filter/UV light air purifiers in the studio and one in the lobby. 

  •  The overhead door will be opened (with a net covered safety gate in place to ensure no insects can join us in class) and 4 box fans will be on, drawing air out of the studio to ensure proper ventilation. 

  •  No other fans will be on.  Blowing air directly at dancers, thus adding turbulence to the air flow, is not recommended.

  •  I have been on several webinars led by the head of Yale School of Public Health regarding safe practices for the opening of arts venues.  I feel confident that we have all possible safety measures in place.

  • If you or any member of your family has tested positive or is experiencing any symptoms, your dancer will not be permitted to attend class. If this happens, we must be notified.  In that case, zoom may be an option so they can still participate.​

 Thank you for trusting your children with me.  We are going to have a great time dancing together!!!